Regular Meeting on February 17th, 2024

 先ずは先日入会したTM NさんのIce Breakerスピーチ。自己紹介や英語を学ぶことになったきっかけや、趣味についてスピーチをしました。Toastmasters Clubに入会されたきっかけや、趣味や経歴など・・・Ice Breakerスピーチをきっかけに共通の話題が見つかったりするので新メンバーの自己紹介には皆興味津々です。
 二番目のスピーチはTM Sさん。ご自身の阪神淡路大震災の経験から地域の人々との繋がりの大切さをスピーチを通して示してくれました。実際に被災された方の貴重なアドバイスにメンバー全員真剣に耳を傾けてスピーチに聞き入りました。
 最後のスピーチはTM Fさん。アカペラグループを作って活動されていることもあり、声がよく通るので聴く側は魅了されます。マーチン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア牧師の有名な演説のスタイルをなぞりながら、トーストマスターズクラブの活動を通してこのようなことやあのようなことも出来るのではないか?と広い視野でクラブ活動を通しての可能性についても触れられていたので、他のメンバーも感化されたことと思います。

 このようにToastmasters Clubでは、「英語」という言語を学ぶこと以外にもそれぞれのメンバーが日々感じていることや大切にしていること、また新しい発想を知ることができる機会に恵まれています。
 大人になりますと家族や地域、仕事を通じての知り合いは増えることもありますが、自分が主体となって、同じ興味を持った仲間を得る機会は少なくなってくると思います。しかしToastmasters Clubでは皆「英語に興味がある」ので、年代や性別は様々でも心地良い新しい出会いがある場所だと思います!


Attendance rate was quite high for today’s meeting and three members made speech.
First, TM N, who recently joined, made his first Ice Breaker Speech. He talked about his background such as the reason why he started studying English, why he joined the Toastmasters Club and his hobbies. Every time a new member makes his/her first Ice Breaker Speech, all the members get excited to listen to the speech because we might find something in common that would enhance our communication.
The second speaker was TM S. She has experienced and survived from the Great-Hanshin Awaji Earthquake that occurred in 1995. Based on her life-threatening experience, she delivered the importance of connecting people in your local community in her speech. Everyone was so serious and listened attentively to the advices she gave us through her speech. The advice coming from a person who has actually experienced the disaster is quite convincing.
Lastly, TM F was the one to have made his speech. As he does a cappella singing, his voice carries so well that all of us get fascinated every time he makes a speech. This time, TM F made his speech by following the famous speech made by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In his speech, he expressed the possibilities of what we can do through the Club activities with his broaden perspective. We were inspired by the speech.

As demonstrated in their speeches, we get to know what other members value or cherish in their daily life and also gain new perspectives in addition to learning English through our regular meetings.
Once you grew up, you may get to meet or know new people through your family, local community or your job, but you might find it difficult to find people who have common interests as yours. That is why the Toastmasters Club is the best place to meet people if you are interested in English or public speaking. We may differ in age range or gender, but we all share the common interest of “being interested in improving English skills.” Toastmasters Club provides a comfortable place to meet new people and open up opportunities for you.

The next regular meeting will be held in Yutorogi in Hamura city on March 2 starting at 14:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending our meeting, please feel free to
contact us through the following link.
